Frequently Asked Questions
General FAQ

Where is the tournament?
Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex
2901 SW Thistle Street
Seattle, WA 98126
Where should I park?
There is parking available on the east side of the Southwest Pool. There is also plenty of street parking.
Where are the restrooms?
Restrooms are located inside the Southwest Pool 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. There are also water fountains and a vending machine. There are additional restrooms on the east side of the Southwest Pool building, in the parking lot near the stadium, which will be open all day.
Players are advised to use the restrooms prior to their bracket start time to minimize bathroom breaks.
Will there be water or food available?
We will have light snacks for all players and water accessible for refilling your water bottles in the PLAYER / VOLUNTEER TENT.
Where do spectators set up?
There are lots of space outside the fenced area. No pets, food, or drinks on the courts please. Players only inside the fence.
Where can I find a first aid kit?
First aid kit will be at the OPERATIONS TENT.
What is the schedule?
Detail schedule can be found on Pickleball Brackets.
How do I find out what’s going on in a bracket?
Click this link or scan the QR code to find out!
Players FAQ
What should I wear?
Whatever is comfortable for playing pickleball! Avoid wearing clothing that closely matches the ball color (neon yellow). You may be asked to change.
What should I bring?
Everything you’d normally bring for a long session of pickleball.
- Paddle(s) – only USA Pickleball Approved Equipment is allowed
- Shoes
- Extra socks
- Hat
- Sunglasses
- Sunscreen
- Water and snacks to keep you energized
- Canopy
- Camp chairs
- CHARGED cell phone (we do not have access to power during the tournament)
When should I show up??
You need to check in AT LEAST 30 minutes before your bracket start time. Detail schedule can be found on Pickleball Brackets.
Where do I check in?
At the CHECK-IN TENT enter from Thistle Street at least 30 minutes before your bracket start time.
Where do I pick up the pre-ordered tournament shirt?
The tournament shirts can be picked up at the PLAYERS TENT between 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Note: If you missed the pre-order, you can place an order on tournament day. We will set a pick up date at one of the West Seattle pickleball courts.
Where do players keep their gear?
Personal belongings should be placed outside the fenced area. Please only bring your paddle and water bottle inside the fenced area. Players only may enter the fenced area and set up a chair along the east fence nearest the pool buildilng, to watch other games. But gear must still remain outside of fenced area due to limited space.
Will there be courts for warm up?
- Walt Hundley Playfield Tennis and Pickleball Courts
- Delridge Playfield Tennis and Pickleball Courts
- Alki Playground Pickleball and Tennis Courts
What is the tournament ball?
Selkirk Pro S1
Will there be referees for the matches?
We will have 4 referees. Playoff and round robin matches will have referees based on availability.
Where do I go before my bracket starts?
Bracket briefing will be given ~15 MINUTES PRIOR to the start of the bracket at the OPERATIONS TENT. We can start as soon as all players have checked in for the bracket. Listen for announcement for bracket briefing.
You will receive text messages with important information about your matches. Confirm your mobile number and text notification setting is enabled in your Pickleball Brackets profile. Below are the text messages you will receive on tournament day.
- The bracket has started
- No action needed.
- This step allows the first round scoresheets to be printed.
- Go to court ## (e.g. court 10)
- Players will go to the OPERATIONS TENT for bracket briefing before matches begin.
- Text messages are triggered when courts are assigned in the system.
- Ignore the first round court assignment message (ONLY)
- Listen for bracket briefing announcement
- After the bracket briefing, clipboards with scoresheets and court assignments will be given to all teams for the first round matches.
- For all subsequent rounds, find your partner and go to court ## immediately after receiving court assignment text messages.
- Players will go to the OPERATIONS TENT for bracket briefing before matches begin.
- Match in the queue
- Court assignments will happen as soon as players and/or courts are available to be assigned.
- Good time to find your partner and be ready for the next Go to court ## text message.
- Click this link to find out your bracket status.
- If you don’t have a bye and waited more than 20 minutes for the next court assignment, please go to the OPERATIONS TENT.
- Match results
- Verify the match scores in the text message.
- Go to the OPERATIONS TENT immediately if there is an error. Every point counts!
- Repeat steps 2-4 for each round.

What do all players need to know?
- Begin first round games PROMPTLY after bracket briefing by OPERATIONS TENT.
- Read text messages to stay informed. Find out court assignments, and match results.
- Identify your Starting Server for each game – they will wear the RED wristband throughout all games.
- Turn in scoresheet to runner immediately after games so we can stay on schedule.
- Round Robin
- Play 1 game against each team in your bracket
- E.g. If your bracket has 6 teams, you will play 5 games.
- Pool Play
- For brackets with 8 or more teams, there will be 2 pools.
- Play 1 game against each team in your pool
- E.g. If your bracket has 10 teams, each pool will have 5 teams and you will play 4 games against each team in your pool.
- Playoff
- Top 4 teams go to Playoff
- For Pool Play, top 2 from each pool advance
- Click this link to find out your bracket status.
- Playoff teams for each bracket will be announced after the preliminary rounds complete.
- Round Robin and Pool Play will determine the seeding for your bracket. Games to 11, Win by 2.
- Top 4 teams go to playoff.
- Pre-medal matches Games to 11, Win by 2.
- Medal matches Games to 15, Win by 2.
There are many reasons for long wait between games. Referees and Runners will enforce the warm up time limit. If you have waited 30 minutes between games, please notify Operations immediately.
- There may be an open court, but your next opponent is still in a game.
- Your team has a bye.
- Games do not start on time.
- Players do not arrive at the court on time. If one team arrive late, they miss the warm up window.
- Teams warm up over the 5-min (before first game) and 3-min (all other games) limits.
- Technical issues with printers or scoresheets not being generated.
What is the round robin tie-breaking rule?
Link to USA Pickleball Rulebook – 2024 Edition
- Brackets may be combined if some of the brackets don’t have enough teams.
- Penalties for unsportsmanlike conduct and inappropriate behavior will be enforced (profanity, aggressive behavior, etc.)
- We’re so glad you’re playing with us in Rally on the Rock. HAVE FUN!!!