Need a Sub!

It is the registered players’ responsibility to find a substitute if they are unable to play for any reason. If a substitute is not provided, it will impact the other players assigned to your court. See Penalty below. 

  • NEW!  The sub’s actual score, with maximum 30, will be the score recorded for your sub.
  • We will not maintain a Sub List. Send a friend to SUB. Or post your need for a sub on our Discord Subs channel.
  • All SUBS will register on a form, every time they SUB, on game day at the community center prior to play. See League Coordinator.
  • Please limit yourself to two SUBS during an 8-week league session.
  • SUBS cannot elevate players’ rankings.  
  • If a SUB does not show up, PLAYER will get 0 points for the day.

Sub Limit

You may have a SUB two times during an 8-week league session. Excessive use of SUBS, especially when there is a cluster of SUBS grouped together in a ladder, sometimes make it difficult for others to move up and down the ladder around them.

If you already know that you will miss more than 2 league days, we ask that you withdraw from the league, and watch our Discord Subs channel for an opportunity to be a SUB.

We understand that circumstances, such as injuries and illness, are beyond your control. Please reach out to a League Administrator in a timely manner.

The Right Sub

  •  SUB must be same skill level as you.
  • For men’s and women’s doubles ladders, the SUB must identify as the same gender as the registered player.
    • The sub’s actual score, maximum 30, will be the score recorded for your sub.
    • E.g.  your SUB scores 38. The other 3 players scores were 20, 30, and 40.  The score of 30 will be recorded for your SUB.
    • E.g. your sub scores 18. The other 3 players scores were 20, 30, and 40. The score of 18 will be recorded for your SUB.
    • Subs score maybe adjusted as needed to prevent players’ rankings from being elevated. 


If no one shows up to play for you, regardless of where the fault lies, your score for the day will be recorded as 0.  No Show Policy will be strictly enforced.

Secure a Sub

Option 1:  Post your need on Discord
  • Go to our Discord Subs channel 
  • Post your need for a SUB.
    • Example:  “I’m looking for a sub for Sunday 3:30p at CSHS on 10/13. Intermediate Men’s ladder.”
  • Once you secure a SUB, please edit the original post and add “FILLED” at the beginning of the post.
  • Remind your SUB to attend. Make sure they know your name
  • No need to notify League Coordinators who will sub for you.  
Option 2:  Send a Friend
  • Feel free to send in someone you already know to SUB for you. 
  • Please make sure SUB is of comparable skill level as you and aware of the game format.

What to Expect When You Sub

  1. IMPORTANT: If you want to SUB, join our  Discord server, and watch for players seeking SUBS on the Subs channel.
  2. IMPORTANT: Know the name of the Player you are subbing for when you check in.
  3. Arrive at least 10 minutes early.
  4. Check in with your League Coordinator.
    • Complete online registration EVERY TIME you sub.
    • Please create an account on ahead of time if you do not have an account already.  
    • On the score table, you will find the score sheets. Put a checkmark to the left of your player’s name and write your name under your player’s name. Note your court number and, if applicable, group number.
  5. You may warm up on any court until announcements.
  6. Depending on the location, you will play either a 4-Person or a 5-Person format.
    • FOUR-PERSON FORMAT: You will be assigned to a group of 4 and a court. You will play 3 games, one game with each person in your group.
    • FIVE-PERSON FORMAT: 5 players will be assigned to a court. You will play 4 games, and have 1 bye. You will play one game with each person in your group.
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