CSHS League

CSHS Ladder League Format

Westside runs individual ladder pickleball leagues.  Players enter as indiduals, not teams. All games are doubles.  We offer a competitive, organized, and social way for players to compete against each other to move up the ladder rankings.  Players are placed with similarly skilled players, so games are fun yet challenging. 

How it works

Players are assigned to courts in groups of 4-5 players, and each group plays a round robin with different partners on league day. 

4-Person Group
5-Person Group

Number of games per player

Each player will play 3 games. 

Each player will play 4 games. 


Not applicable. Each player will play 3 games consecutively.

Each player will have a bye. 

Partner rotation

Play with a different partner every game. 

Play with a different partner every game.

Game format

15 points / win by 1

11 points / win by 1

Total maximum points

45 points

44 points

CSHS Ladder League Process

We run our ladder leagues using Global Pickleball Network (GPN).  All players must have an account on GPN and  join  our Network. Players are ranked using ELO rating system and matches are reported to DUPR.  Players also need to link their DUPR and GPN accounts.  

Players are seeded to ensure matches are fairly balanced by placing players of similar skill levels together on a court. Initial seeding is based on certain data, such as DUPR score or previous league ranking.  All Players (Registered and Reserve*) will move up and down the rungs of your ladder based on your ELO ranking each week and this will ensure that you are playing with others of a similar skill level.

Depending on attendance, each week you will play in a 4-person or 5-person group from your ladder.  Players are no longer required to find substitute players when they are unable to attend. 

See glossary below for details on terminology and acronyms.

* Reserve player process will be rolled out on a later date (TBD)

GPN Web App

Follow instructions on this page to add GPN to your phone home screen for easy access.

How do I RSVP "No" when I can't attend?

If you know what day(s) you cannot attend league, please RSVP ASAP to free up the spot for other players. Please RSVP “No” before we assign courts at 10:00a on league day. Players who RSVP “No” after the following times on league day are considered a No Show. You can change your RSVP to “Yes” up to the following times on league day as long as there is a spot available on the ladder. 

          Group 1 –> 1:40p
          Group 2 –> 3:20p

  • Login to GPN
  • Click on your profile picture on the top right corner to access “My Links”
  • Scroll down to select the event date 
  • Select “No” and click the update button

How do I enter scores after a game?

One player from the winning team will enter the scores after each game.

  • Login to GPN
  • Click on profile picture (top right) to access “My Links”
  • Under Calendar, click “view” next to the scheduled ladder matches
  • Select “+” next to a scheduled game to submit scores
  • Winning team in green – click “swap winner and loser” if needed
  • Enter scores and ask a player from the opponent team to verify the scores
  • Submit

Note:  Please notify a League Coordinator immediately if corrections needed after scores are submitted.

Do I have a DUPR account?

If you have played in tornaments or DUPR events, you may already have a DUPR account!  Before creating a DUPR account, first check if one has been created for you. 

  • Enter your name on Claim Your Account page
  • Claim your account, or create account if you don’t find yourself here.

How do I link my GPN and DUPR accounts?

All players are required to have their DUPR accounts connected to the GPN accounts.  Have questions about DUPR account integration, find the answers here

  • Login to GPN
  • Click on profile picture (top right) to access settings and privacy”
  • Click the DUPR tab (or scroll down to the bottom if on mobile).
  • Click Connect and follow instructions to link the DUPR account.


4-person format: A group of 4 players assigned to a court. Play 3 games, one game with each person in your group.

5-person format: A group of 5 players assigned to a court. Play 4 games, and have 1 bye. You will play one game with each person in your group.

Discord: Communication app used by the league to communicate with league players. Join our Discord server!

DUPR: The DUPR Rating (Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating) measures a pickleball player’s skill level. It adjusts based on match performance, considering factors like opponent strength and match outcome. This system offers a more dynamic and accurate assessment than traditional ratings.

ELO Rating: The method by which we will measure our CSHS players’ skill levels. Learn more about the ELO Rating system.

Facebook: Check us out on Facebook!  

GPN: Global Pickleball Network is the online platform we use to track players’ scores, and rank players’ positions on the ladder.  Join Westside on GPN!

Ladder Event: Each ladder has a ladder event scheduled on their respective league day. Registered players only need to RSVP “NO” if they cannot attend the ladder event, i.e. cannot play on the scheduled day.   

Ladder League: Each person is assigned to a ladder, based on skill level. You will move up and down the rungs of your ladder based on your scores each week and this will ensure that you are playing with others of a similar skill level.

League: A “Pickleball League” is a fun, organized group where players compete in regular matches, track their progress, and enjoy friendly competition with others.  Westside has leagues at 3 locations:  CSHS, SeaTac Community Center, and Tukwila Community Center.  We offer multiple ladder leagues at each league location. 

League Day: The day each ladder league is scheduled to play. Players will play on the same day of the week, during an 8-week session.

No Show: A player who does NOT attend a game day, and fails to RSVP “No” before cutoff time.

PlayPass: Online platform used for player registration and payments for our CSHS and Tukwila Community Center leagues.

Registered Player: Someone who has registered and paid to play in our 8-week ladder leagues.

Reserve Player: League Players who are on standby, ready to play when a Registered Player is unable to play. We no longer have Substitute Players at CSHS.

Tiebreaker: N/A at CSHS. With GPN, no need for Tie Breakers.

Website: This is where you will find all of the Westside league and tournament information.  

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