CSHS Court Set Up


There are 11 badminton courts at the Chief Sealth High School gyms. Badminton court dimension is the same as a pickleball court, except the kitchen line is 6 inches farther from the net for pickleball.  Join our CSHS Crew to help set up and clean up on each league day.  Below are the LEADS for each task.

Task Set Up Clean Up
Tape Lines John R. John R.
Nets Josephine W. Mita P.
Barrier Maria C. Drew C.

League Admins  (Rosina & Amy) and League Coordinator (Nicole) are also available for general inquiry

    • Measure kitchen line and net positions (RED tape)
    • Taping kitchen lines, corners, and Ts (ORANGE tape)
    • Assemble 11 SwiftNets
    • Set  up barrier between the left and right courts in the big gym to keep balls from rolling to opposite courts.


Measure and Taping Lines

This is the most time-consuming set up. Please review these steps before league day.

    • RED tape is used as markers for kitchen lines and net location only
        • We have red makers on the gym floor but some may come off between league days.
        • Please let your Lead know if you notice missing markers.

    • ORANGE tape is used for the 2 kitchen lines, 4 corners, and 4 Ts on each court.
        • Volunteers for lines set up will be assigned to taping all 11 courts.
        • Start with corners and Ts until the kitchen line markers are ready
        • Kitchen Lines – the tapes align with the arrow tip. Do not cover the red tape markers
        • Corners and Ts – tape covers the badminton line and align the outer edges


11 SwiftNets to set up and break down every week. Nets are set up on the courts back-to-back and should be on top of the RED marking tape 7′ from the kitchen lines on each court.


Barrier Between Courts

We are using the badminton portable posts to tie a rope, then use binder clips to hang 100’ of netting. This is set up in the main gym only.  The middle section will be the League Administrator’s CENTER table and 2 benches on each side. Put the 8 SwiftNet storage bags in this section. 

Set Up Equipment  
  • 4 folding tables 
    • 1 League Admin CENTER table 
    • 1 score table between courts 1 and 8 
    • 1 score table between courts 4 and 5 
    • 1 score table on the left after entering upper gym
  • 2 folding benches, on either side of League Admin CENTER table 
  • 2 sections of barrier 
Hang Court Numbers
Found in “Center Table” box. Hang on bleachers/wall with painter’s tape. 

Score Table Baskets 
Equipment can be found in Ball Box. 
  • In each of the 5 baskets, put 2 of each color ball, 4 pencils, and 2 dice.  
  • Place 2 baskets on each of the 2 score tables on main floor, and 1 basket on the score table in upper gym. 

Equipment can be found in “Center Table” box. Put the following on the table: 

  • Black tablecloth  
  • CENTER table paperwork  


Tip the posts with weighted base and roll 4 of them to the middle of the gym spread out between courts 1-4 and courts 5-8. Please be cautious and not damage the gym floor.


CSHS Main Gym Court Map

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